If it wasn't for the squash community, I'm not quite sure where I would be in life. This sport and the people in it have changed my life and provided me with endless opportunities. I have worn every hat possible in the squash world. I've been a player, coach, tournament organizer, team manager, director, emcee, commentator, and mentor. I spent 10 years studying and working in the US before moving to the Netherlands to start a family and ultimately start this business, The Squash Network. It's my experiences in the US that showed me that with a little guidance and the right people in your corner, so many doors can open for you. I am committed to helping squash players find these opportunities abroad, while also helping players develop their skills on and off court, and assist clubs in growing their programs. Because of the network I have gained from playing this sport, I am able to help so many more squash players on their path to finding what they want to do on and off court.